What Happens When Running Out of VRAM

Years ago, I made the decision to cheap out on my graphics card. I knew I wanted to get an NVIDIA GTX 1060, but that model had two main configurations: 3GB of video memory, and 6GB. Naturally, being the cheap person I am, I opted for a 3GB card. While I do not regret this purchase, this has lead me to need to upgrade likely sooner than I expected.

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ALL Controller: Initial Impressions from a Linux User

A few years ago, I backed a project on Kickstarter for the ALL Controller. This is meant to be a “universal” gamepad, compatible with Windows/Mac/Linux on the PC side, Android and IOS on mobile, as well as consoles like Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. Beyond this, it is programmable, and has upgradable firmware, meaning that it can have support for new platforms added as time goes on. Personally I was particularly interested in the Linux support (no surprise there), but more so its programmability. Having now had it for a couple months, I can say it is certainly delivering on its promise.

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